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Team Wiki

1. Tech Stack

2. Sprints

We organize our tasks in time cycles of 1 week called a “Sprint”.

We schedule a call every Tuesday with the following agenda structure:

  1. General announcements concerning the team
  2. Progress review of the work done since previous Tuesday
  3. Retrospective discussion:
    1. What did we do well?
    2. What did we do wrong?
    3. How do we do more things well and fewer things wrong?
  4. Assigning tasks that have to be completed by next Tuesday

3. Team Messaging

3.1. House Rules

  1. Be respectful and considerate.
  2. Use appropriate channels. If you don't know where to post a message, then you can ask anyone for clarification via DM (direct message) or you can post your question in our help channel.
  3. When discussing times and dates be sure to clarify which timezone you're referring to.
  4. If you have any suggestions for our rules we encourage you to participate and let us know how we can make this better for everyone.

3.2. Channels


  • #announcements
    Company highlights and workspace-wide updates.
  • #help
    Looking for an answer and not sure where to get it from? Look no further! You've found the right place.
  • #offtopic-chatter
    Non-work banter and water cooler conversation.
  • #coworking
    Here's a space to narrow the breach in remote work by sharing what you're working on and getting some live feedback.
  • #changelog
    Product development updates about all our brands, sites, and projects. |



  • #design-education
    Typography, UX, UI, Motion, Branding.
  • #engineering-education
    HTML, CSS, Front-end and Back-end Software Engineering.

4. Naming Conventions

4.1. Client Codes

We organize all of our work into projects and those projects are groups by their corresponding client.

To facilitate our organization and file naming we create a 2-4 letters shortcode to reference each client.

All internal projects are referenced with Client Codes as well:

  • The Polyfen Group › TPG
  • Polyfen › PLFN
  • Poly Atlas › PLAT
  • Poly Cookies › PLCK
  • Poly Qwerty › PLQR
  • Polykit › PLKT
  • Polypress › PLPR

4.2. Project Types

  • Branding
  • Web
  • App
  • Marketing
  • Administrative

5. Projects & Tasks

Asana and Clockify projects follow the convention [Client Code][Project Type].

There are 5 stages in the workflow of any task.

5.1. Backlog

We identify a requirement and add it to Asana as a task following SMART task practices:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

5.2. To Do

All backlog tasks that were selected for the present Sprint.

5.3. In Progress

One you start work on a specific task, the first thing to do is set its status as "In Progress" to let the rest of the team know what's being worked on.

5.4. For Review

After you consider your task is complete, add a comment with the total amount of hours worked on the task, then change the task status to "For Review" and assign the task to your reporter.

5.5. Complete

After your task is reviewed by a Reporter and approved it will be moved to the "Complete" column.

5.6. Archived

Once a week, when doing the transition between Sprint cycles, the tasks that are in the "Complete" column will be archived.

6. Time Tracking

Work tracked in Clockify should have the same name as the corresponding Asana task.

If there is no related Asana task, feel free to name the timelog at your will.

However, there are two things that must be carefully set:

  1. Clockify Project
  2. Billability

The Clockify Project should have the same name as the Asana project, which follows the convention "[Client Code] › [Project Type]".

Billability should be set to "Billable" for all work corresponding to Clients of Polyfen and not internal projects.

7. Getting Paid

7.1. When will I get paid?

Our internal deadline to process payments is 10th day of every month. However, it is possible for some payments related to specific projects to be processed every 14 days.

7.2. How will I get paid?

Once you’ve started working in our team you must send an email to [email protected] with the corresponding details of one of the payment methods we approve.

Approved payment methods:

  • Wise
  • Bank Account Transfer (selected countries)

For any requests about changing your payment method please contact
✉️ [email protected].

8. Time Off

You are able to take any vacation, holidays, and time off as you desire.

All we ask is that you let the rest of the team know with a reasonable amount of time ahead when possible.

9. Google Drive

Google Drive (figma file)

10. Branding Workflow

Our creative process is documented in detail in Poly Atlas, our free guide to the Branding process.

11. Development Workflow

11.1. Website Project Set-up

  1. Create Github repository
  2. Buy web domain
  3. Setup addon web domain to cPanel
  4. Direct web domain DNS to server
  5. Create FTP account
  6. Add CI/CD with Github Actions
  7. (Install WP)
  8. (Install WP THEME)
  9. (Create WP Child Theme)
  10. Create Cloudflare site
  11. Add Cloudflare purge with Github Actions
  12. Remove ".php" in .htaccess
  13. Create Google Analytics property
  14. Create GTM account
  15. Add Poly Cookies
  16. Create and add Favicon system

11.2. Github Commits

  • add: Used when adding new features, functionalities, or content to the project. "add: contact form to the website."
  • fix: Employed when correcting bugs, errors, or issues within the project. "fix: alignment of accordion icons."
  • improve: Indicates enhancements or optimizations made to existing features or functionalities. "improve: loading speed of homepage images."
  • remove: Signifies the removal or deletion of features, functionalities, or content from the project. "remove: outdated card images."
  • hotfix: Reserved for urgent fixes deployed quickly to resolve critical issues in production. "hotfix".
  • Content Update: Used when making updates or revisions to the content of the project, such as text, images, or multimedia. "content update".

11.3. ChangeLog Update

After completing a task, it's important to update the ChangeLog with the implemented changes. This update should not include hotfixes or content updates.

11.4.PLKT Release Checklist

11.4.1. Release Checklist

  • Update version number in hellobar
  • Merge version branch with 'main'
  • Update version number in CSS head script from affiliated sites ( and
  • Test version update in affiliated files and make necessary adjustments<
  • Publish post in Changelog

11.4.2. New Version Checklist

  • Create new Git branch with version name
  • Rename central SCSS file (app/scss/polykit-v#.scss) with new version number
  • Update version number commented at the top of polykit-v#.scss (line 11)
  • Update file name of polykit-v#.scss in gulpfile.js

12. Accounting Workflow

The name of the game is "Fill-in the Yellow Rectangles".